Package: SciViews 1.6.1

Philippe Grosjean

SciViews: 'SciViews::R' Dialect for Data Processing and Visualization

The 'SciViews::R' dialect provides a set of functions that streamlines data input, process, analysis and visualization especially, but not exclusively, for beginners or occasional users. It mixes base R and tidyverse, plus another set of CRAN packages for an easy and coherent use of R.

Authors:Philippe Grosjean [aut, cre]

SciViews.pdf |SciViews.html
SciViews/json (API)

# Install 'SciViews' in R:
install.packages('SciViews', repos = c('', ''))

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'SciViews::R' Dialect for Data Processing and Visualization

Rendered fromSciViews.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 24 2024.

Last update: 2024-05-01
Started: 2020-05-04

Principal Component Analysis

Rendered frompca.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 24 2024.

Last update: 2024-05-01
Started: 2018-01-05

Readme and manuals

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Help pageTopics
'SciViews::R' Dialect for Data Processing and VisualizationSciViews-package
Various color palettescolors cwm.colors cwm_colors rwb.colors rwb_colors rwg.colors rwg_colors ryg.colors ryg_colors
Correlation matricesas.Correlation as.correlation Correlation correlation correlation.default correlation.formula is.Correlation is.correlation lines.Correlation plot.Correlation print.Correlation print.summary.Correlation summary.Correlation
Enumerate items in an objectenum
Logarithmic and exponential functionsE lb lg lg1p ln ln1p
Convenience functions for rows or columns manipulationsCOLS nc nr ROWS
More panel plotspanel.cor panel.ellipse panel.reg panels panel_cor panel_ellipse panel_reg panel_smooth
More univariate panel plotspanel.boxplot panel.density panel.hist panel.qqnorm panels.diag panel_boxplot panel_density panel_hist panel_qqnorm
Principal Components Analysisbiplot.pcomp correlation.pcomp lines.pcomp pairs.pcomp pcomp pcomp.default pcomp.formula plot.pcomp points.pcomp predict.pcomp print.pcomp print.summary.pcomp scores scores.pcomp screeplot.pcomp summary.pcomp text.pcomp
Give the list of SciViews::R packages and check for conflictsprint.SciViews_conflicts SciViews_conflicts SciViews_packages SciViews_packages_topics
Configure R for the SciViews::R dialectprint.SciViews_R R SciViews_R
Timing of R expressionstiming
Plot vectors inside a unit circle (PCA loadings or correlations plots).vectorplot vectorplot.Correlation vectorplot.default vectorplot.loadings