Introduction to {equatiomatic}Updated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from equatiomatic.Rmd in equatiomatic 0.3.4.
svPkgdown - A pkgdown template for SciViews packagesUpdated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean ([email protected])

Rendered from svPkgdown.Rmd in svPkgdown 1.0.1.
Rich-formatted Tables with TabulariseUpdated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean & Guyliann Engels

Rendered from tabularise.Rmd in tabularise 0.6.3.
Unified Interface (with Formula) for R PlotsUpdated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from chart.Rmd in chart 1.5.2.
Why Chart?Updated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from chart_rationate.Rmd in chart 1.5.2.
Statistical Models for 'SciViews::R'Updated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean & Guyliann Engels

Rendered from modelit.Rmd in modelit 1.4.6.
Hypothesis Tests and Statistical Distributions for 'SciViews::R'Updated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean & Guyliann Engels

Rendered from inferit.Rmd in inferit 0.3.1.
Exploratory Data Analysis for 'SciViews::R'Updated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from exploreit.Rmd in exploreit 1.0.3.
'SciViews::R' Dialect for Data Processing and VisualizationUpdated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from SciViews.Rmd in SciViews 1.8.0.
Principal Component AnalysisUpdated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from pca.Rmd in SciViews 1.8.0.
Read and Write Data in Different FormatsUpdated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from data-io.Rmd in 1.5.1.
Base Objects like Data Frames for 'SciViews::R'Updated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from svBase.Rmd in svBase 1.4.0.
Data Analysis Work Flow and Pipeline Operator for 'SciViews::R'Updated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from svFlow.Rmd in svFlow 1.2.1.
(Work)flow and alternate pipe operator, rationateUpdated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from svFlow_rationate.Rmd in svFlow 1.2.1.
Miscellaneous Functions for 'SciViews::R'Updated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from svMisc.Rmd in svMisc 1.4.1.
Temporary environmentUpdated 4 months ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from temporary_environment.Rmd in svMisc 1.4.1.
SciViews socket serverUpdated 6 months ago

Philippe Grosjean ([email protected])

Rendered from svSocket.Rmd in svSocket 1.1.5.
SciViews svDialogs, Tcl/Tk versionUpdated 2 years ago

Philippe Grosjean ([email protected])

Rendered from svDialogstcltk.Rmd in svDialogstcltk 1.0.0.
SciViews HTTP serverUpdated 2 years ago

Philippe Grosjean ([email protected])

Rendered from svHttp.Rmd in svHttp 1.0.4.
svGUI - Manage R GUIs in a central placeUpdated 2 years ago

Philippe Grosjean ([email protected])

Rendered from svGUI.Rmd in svGUI 1.0.1.
Usage with shinyUpdated 3 years ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from usage-shiny.Rmd in equatiomatic 0.3.4.
Colorizing equations and swapping variable namesUpdated 3 years ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from colors.Rmd in equatiomatic 0.3.4.
svUnit - A framework for unit testing in RUpdated 3 years ago

Philippe Grosjean ([email protected])

Rendered from svUnit.Rmd in svUnit 1.0.6.
svDialogs - Standard dialog boxes for everybodyUpdated 3 years ago

Philippe Grosjean([email protected])

Rendered from Standard_dialog_boxes_for_everybody.Rmd in svDialogs 1.1.0.
forecast::Arima ModelsUpdated 4 years ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from forecast-arima.Rmd in equatiomatic 0.3.4.
lme4::lmer ModelsUpdated 4 years ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from lme4-lmer.Rmd in equatiomatic 0.3.4.
Plotting with {equatiomatic}Updated 4 years ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from plotting-integration.Rmd in equatiomatic 0.3.4.
Tests and CoverageUpdated 4 years ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from tests_and_coverage.Rmd in equatiomatic 0.3.4.
Time representation in biological time seriesUpdated 4 years ago

Philippe Grosjean

Rendered from time_representation.Rmd in pastecs 1.4.2.