Unit testing (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_test) is an approach
successfully used to develop software, and to ease code refactoring for
keeping bugs to the minimum. It is also the insurance that the software
is doing the right calculation (quality insurance). Basically, a test
just checks if the code is running and is producing the correct
answer/behavior in a given situation. As such, unit tests are build in R
package production because all examples in documentation files, and
perhaps, test code in /tests
subdirectory are run during
the checking of a package (R CMD check <pkg>
However, the R approach lacks a certain number of features to allow
optimal use of unit tests as in extreme programming (test first – code
Besides the “regular” testing mechanism of R packages, one can find the ‘testthat’ and ‘RUnit’ packages on CRAN (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=testthat and https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=RUnit, respectively)1. Another package used to provide an alternate implementation of test unit: ‘butler’, but it is archived because it is not maintained any more and has given up in favor of ‘RUnit’.
The ‘testthat’ package is heavily used by the UseR community (there are many more packages on CRAN that use it than any other testing system). It implements R testing in a rather original way. ‘RUnit’, on the other hand sticks with the framework initially defined by junit for Java and largely developed for many different languages. In this document, we will not discuss further about ‘testthat’. We will focus on the junit-like framework implemented in ‘RUnit’ and ‘svUnit’. ‘RUnit’ implements the following features:
, checkIdentical()
and negative tests (tests that check error
conditions, checkException()
that tags
the test with a reminder for your deactivated items (i.e., the reminder
is written in the test log).test....
) are collected together in a source-able R code
file (name starting with runit....
) on disk. This file is
called a test unit.RUnitTestSuite
is a special object defining a battery of tests. It points to one or
several directories containing test units. A test suite is defined by
. There is a shortcut to define and run a
test suite constituted by only one test unit by using the function
. Once the test is run, a
object is created that contains all the
information collected from the various tests run.summary()
of the tests with indication about
which ones failed or produced errors. The function
does the same, while
produces a report in HTML format.inspect()
and function tracker()
).As complete and nice as ‘RUnit’ is, there is no tools to integrate the test suite in a given development environment (IDE) or graphical user interface (GUI), as far as we know. In particular, there is no real-time reporting mechanism used to easy the test-code-simplify cycle. The way tests are implemented and run is left to the user, but the implementation suggests that the authors of ‘RUnit’ mainly target batch execution of the tests (for instance, nightly check of code in a server), rather that real-time interaction with the tests.
There is also no integration with the “regular”
R CMD check
mechanism of R in ‘RUnit’.
Our initial goal was to implement a GUI layer on top of ‘RUnit’, and
to integrate test units as smoothly as possible in a code editor, as
well as, making tests easily accessible and fully compatible with
R CMD check
on all platforms supported by R. Ultimately,
the test suite should be easy to create, to use interactively, and
should be able to test functions in a complex set of R packages.
However, we encountered several difficulties while trying to enhance
‘RUnit’ mechanism. When we started to work on this project, ‘RUnit’
(version 0.4-17) did not allow to subclass its objects (version 0.4-19
solved this problem). Moreover, its RUnitTestData
object is
optimized for quick testing, but not at all for easy reviewing of its
content: it is a list of lists of lists,… requiring embedded for loop
and lapply()
/ sapply()
procedures to extract
some content. Moreover, ‘RUnit’ is implemented as S4 classes, requiring
the heavy ‘methods’ package to be loaded, making it impossible to use in
a lightweight environment without it, or to test R without the ‘methods’
package loaded. Finally, the concept of test units as source-able files
on disk is a nice idea, but it is too rigid for quick writing test cases
for objects not associated (yet) with an R packages.
We did a first implementation of the ‘RUnit’ GUI based on these objects, before realizing that it is really not designed for such an use. So, we decide to write a completely different unit testing framework in R: ‘svUnit’, but we make it test code compatible with ‘RUnit’ (i.e., the engine and objects used are totally different, but the test code run in ‘RUnit’ or ‘svUnit’ is interchangeable).
Finally, ‘svUnit’ is also designed to be integrated in the SciViews GUI on top of Komodo IDE (https://www.activestate.com/products/komodo-ide/), and to approach extreme programming practices with automatic code testing while you write it. A rather simple interface is provided to link and pilot ‘svUnit’ from any GUI/IDE, and the Komodo IDE implementation could be used as an example to program similar integration panels for other R GUIs. ‘svUnit’ also formats its report with creole wiki syntax. It is directly readable, but it can also be displayed in a much nicer way using any wiki engine compatible with the creole wiki language. It is thus rather easy to write test reports in wiki servers, possibly through nightly automatic process for your code, if you like.
This vignette is a guided tour of ‘svUnit’, showing its features and the various ways you can use it to test your R code.
The ‘svUnit’ package is available on CRAN (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=svUnit), and its latest development version is also available on Github (https://github.com/SciViews/svUnit). You can install it with2:
This package has no required dependencies other than R >= 1.9.0 and ‘utils’ (‘XML’ is also used for some export formats, but it is not required to run the tests). However, if you would like to use its interactive mode in a GUI editor, you must also install Komodo Edit or Komodo IDE and SciViews-K, or use RStudio. Its ‘pkgdown’ web site is at https://www.sciviews.org/svUnit/.
Once the ‘svUnit’ package is installed, you can check it is working correctly on your machine with the following example code:
Square <- function(x) return(x^2)
test(Square) <- function() {
checkEqualsNumeric(9, Square(3))
checkEqualsNumeric(10, Square(3)) # This intentionally fails
checkEqualsNumeric(9, SSSquare(3)) # This raises error
checkEqualsNumeric(c(1, 4, 9), Square(1:3))
#> * : checkEqualsNumeric(10, Square(3)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> Mean relative difference: 0.1
#> num 9
#> * : checkEqualsNumeric(9, SSSquare(3)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in SSSquare(3) : could not find function "SSSquare"
#> == test(Square) run in less than 0.1 sec: **ERROR**
#> //Pass: 3 Fail: 1 Errors: 1//
#> * : checkEqualsNumeric(10, Square(3)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> Mean relative difference: 0.1
#> num 9
#> * : checkEqualsNumeric(9, SSSquare(3)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in SSSquare(3) : could not find function "SSSquare"
Although test unit code is compatible with both ‘svUnit’ and ‘RUnit’, do not load both packages in R memory at the same time, or you will badly mix incompatible code!
You ensure that code you write in your R functions does the expected work by defining a battery of tests that will compare the output of your code with reference values. In ‘svUnit’, the simplest way to define such a battery of tests is by attaching it to functions loaded in R memory3. Of course, you can also define batteries of tests that are independent of any R object, or that check several of them together (so called, integration tests). Here is a couple of examples:
# Create two R functions that include their own test cases
Square <- function(x) return(x^2)
test(Square) <- function() {
checkEqualsNumeric(9, Square(3))
checkEqualsNumeric(c(4, 9), Square(2:3))
Cube <- function(x) return(x^3)
test(Cube) <- function() {
checkEqualsNumeric(27, Cube(3))
checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3))
# Add a separate test case
test_Integrate <- svTest(function() {
checkTrue(1 < 2, "check1")
v <- c(1, 2, 3) # The reference
w <- 1:3 # The value to compare to the reference
checkEquals(v, w)
When you run a test in ‘svUnit’, it logs its results in a centralized
logger. The idea is to get a central repository for tests that you can
manipulate as you like (print, summarize, convert, search, display in a
GUI, etc.). If you want to start new tests, you should first clean this
logger by clearLog()
. At any time, the logger is accessible
by Log()
, and a summary of its content is displayed using
). So, to run test for your
function as well as your
integration test, you simply do the
#> = A svUnit test suite run in less than 0.1 sec with:
#> * test_Integrate ... OK
#> * test(Square) ... OK
#> == test_Integrate run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == test(Square) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 3 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
In this report, you see that all your tests succeed. Note that
‘svUnit’ is making the distinction between a test that
fails (the code is run correctly, but the result is
different from what was expected) and code that raises
error (it was not possible to run the test because its
code is incorrect, or for some other reasons). Note also that the
function checkException()
is designed to explicitly test
code that should stop()
in R4. So, if that test does
not raises an exception, it is considered to have failed. This is useful
to check that your functions correctly trap wrong arguments, for
instance, like in checkException(Square("xx"))
here above
(a character string is provided where a numerical value is
Now, let’s look what happens if we test the Cube()
function without clearing the logger:
#> * : checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> Mean relative difference: 0.03571429
#> num [1:2] 8 27
#> = A svUnit test suite run in less than 0.1 sec with:
#> * test(Cube) ... **FAILS**
#> * test_Integrate ... OK
#> * test(Square) ... OK
#> == test(Cube) run in less than 0.1 sec: **FAILS**
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 1 Errors: 0//
#> * : checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> Mean relative difference: 0.03571429
#> num [1:2] 8 27
#> == test_Integrate run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == test(Square) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 3 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
We note this:
c(8, 28)
intentionally wrong for the sake of the demonstration) from
checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3))
, and (of course),
we got c(8, 27)
. This test shows how ‘svUnit’ presents test
are added to the
previous report. So, it is possible to build rather easily reports that
summarize tests on several objects, by adding test results in the logger
sequentially. ‘svUnit’ does this naturally and transparently. Starting a
new report is equally simple: just use clearLog()
…The most basic item in a test suite is an assertion
represented by a checkXXX()
function in ‘svUnit’/‘RUnit’.
Five such functions are currently defined:
checkEquals(current, target)
determines if data in
is the same as data in current
.checkEqualsNumeric(current, target)
does the same but
allows for a better comparison for numbers (variation allowed within a
tolerance window).checkIdentical(current, target)
checks whether two R
objects are strictly identical.checkTrue(expr)
only succeed if expr
. Note a difference in ‘svUnit’ and ‘RUnit’ (at least,
in its version 0.4-17): the ‘RUnit’ function is not vectorized and
must return a single atomic logical value. The
corresponding ‘svUnit’ function also accepts a vector of logical values.
In this case, all elements of the vector must be TRUE
the test to succeed. When you make sure that expr
returns a single logical value (for instance by using
), both functions should be compatible.checkException(expr)
verifies that a given code raises
an exception (in R, it means that a line of code with
is executed).DEACTIVATED()
makes sure that all tests following this
instruction (in a test function, see next paragraph) are deactivated,
and inserts a reminder in the logger about the fact that some tests are
deactivated in this suite.For all these functions, you have an additional optional argument
msg =
where you can provide a (short) message to print in
front of each text in the report. These functions return invisibly:
if the test succeeds, or FALSE
if it
fails (code is executed correctly, but does not pass the test), and
if there was an error (the R code of the test was not
executed correctly). Moreover, these functions record the results, the
context of the test and the timing in a logger (object
inheriting from environment
called .Log
and located in the user’s workspace. So,
executing a series of assertions and getting a report is simply done as
(in its simplest form, you can use the various checkXXX()
functions directly at the command line):
checkEqualsNumeric(1, log(exp(1)))
checkTrue(1 == 2)
#> * : checkTrue(1 == 2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> logi FALSE
#> = A svUnit test suite run in less than 0.1 sec with:
#> * eval ... **FAILS**
#> == eval run in less than 0.1 sec: **FAILS**
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 1 Errors: 0//
#> * : checkTrue(1 == 2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> logi FALSE
As you can see, the checkXXX()
functions work hand in
hand with the test logger (the checkXXX()
functions also
return the result of the test invisibly, so, you can also assign it to a
variable if you like). These function are mainly used for their
side-effect of adding an entry to the logger.
The last command Log()
prints the content of the logger.
You see how a report is printed, with a first part being a short summary
by categories (assertions run at the command line are placed
automatically in the eval
category: there is no better
context known for them. Usually, those assertions should be placed in
test functions, or in test units, as we will see later in this manual,
and the category will reflect this organization). A detailed report on
the tests that failed or raised an error is also printed at the end of
the report.
Of course, the same report is much easier to manipulate from within the graphical tree in the Komodo’s R Unit tab, but the simple text report in R has the advantage of being independent from any GUI, and from Komodo. It can also be generated in batch mode. Last, but not least, it uses a general Wiki formatting called creole wiki (http://www.wikicreole.org/wiki/Creole1.0).
The figure illustrates the way the same report looks like in DokuWiki with the creole plugin (http://www.wikicreole.org/wiki/DokuWiki) installed. Note the convenient table of content that lists here a clickable list of all tests run. From this point, it is relatively easy to define nightly cron task jobs on a server to run a script that executes these tests and update a wiki page (look at your particular wiki engine documentation to determine how you can access wiki pages on the command line).
The ‘svUnit’ package provides a series of functions to manipulate the
logger from the command line, in particular,
, metadata()
# Clear test exclusion list for running all test suites
options(svUnit.excludeList = NULL)
# Clear the logger
# Run all currently defined tests
runTest(svSuiteList(), name = "AllTests")
#> * : checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> Mean relative difference: 0.03571429
#> num [1:2] 8 27
#> A svUnit test suite definition with:
#> - Test function:
#> [1] "test_svSuite"
#> *
#> runTest(bar) does not work inside test functions: ... DEACTIVATED
#> * Check a double is equal to a named double: checkEquals(c(x = 2), 2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> names for target but not for current
#> num 2
#> * Check if two different numbers are equal: checkEqualsNumeric(2, 3) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> Mean relative difference: 0.5
#> num 3
#> * Check a double is exactly the expected value: checkIdentical(2, sqrt(2)^2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> num 2
#> * Check if FALSE is TRUE: checkTrue(FALSE) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> logi FALSE
#> * log(10) produces and exception: checkException(log(10)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> No exception generated!
#> * Wrong expression in checkEquals(): checkEquals(fff(2), 2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in fff(2) : could not find function "fff"
#> * Wrong expression in checkEqualsNumeric(): checkEqualsNumeric(fff(2), 2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in fff(2) : could not find function "fff"
#> * Wrong expression in checkIdentical(): checkIdentical(2, fff(2)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in fff(2) : could not find function "fff"
#> * Wrong expression in checkTrue(): checkTrue(fff()) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in fff() : could not find function "fff"
# Get some statistics
stats(Log())[, 1:3]
#> kind timing time
#> testBadTests **ERROR** 0.000 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testsvSuiteList OK 0.007 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testmat OK 0.000 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testMyVirtualBaseClass.setX OK 0.000 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testCreateClass OK 0.001 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testSquare OK 0.001 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testis.test OK 0.001 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> test_Integrate OK 0.000 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testbar OK 0.000 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testMyVirtualBaseClass.getX OK 0.000 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testCube **FAILS** 0.000 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> test_R OK 0.000 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testrunTest DEACTIVATED 0.001 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testsvTest OK 0.000 2025-01-25 04:49:20
#> testsvSuite OK 0.001 2025-01-25 04:49:20
# A slightly different presentation than with print
#> = A svUnit test suite run in less than 0.1 sec with:
#> * testBadTests ... **ERROR**
#> * testsvSuiteList ... OK
#> * testmat ... OK
#> * testMyVirtualBaseClass.setX ... OK
#> * testCreateClass ... OK
#> * testSquare ... OK
#> * testis.test ... OK
#> * test_Integrate ... OK
#> * testbar ... OK
#> * testMyVirtualBaseClass.getX ... OK
#> * testCube ... **FAILS**
#> * test_R ... OK
#> * testrunTest ... DEACTIVATED
#> * testsvTest ... OK
#> * testsvSuite ... OK
#> == testBadTests (in runitBadTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: **ERROR**
#> //Pass: 0 Fail: 5 Errors: 4//
#> === Failures
#> [1] Check a double is equal to a named double: checkEquals(c(x = 2), 2)
#> [2] Check if two different numbers are equal: checkEqualsNumeric(2, 3)
#> [3] Check a double is exactly the expected value: checkIdentical(2, sqrt(2)^2)
#> [4] Check if FALSE is TRUE: checkTrue(FALSE)
#> [5] log(10) produces and exception: checkException(log(10))
#> === Errors
#> [6] Wrong expression in checkEquals(): checkEquals(fff(2), 2)
#> [7] Wrong expression in checkEqualsNumeric(): checkEqualsNumeric(fff(2), 2)
#> [8] Wrong expression in checkIdentical(): checkIdentical(2, fff(2))
#> [9] Wrong expression in checkTrue(): checkTrue(fff())
#> == testsvSuiteList (in runitsvSuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 6 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testmat (in runitBadTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testMyVirtualBaseClass.setX (in runitVirtualClass.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 6 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testCreateClass (in runitVirtualClass.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testSquare (in runitAllTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 3 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testis.test (in runitsvTest.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 15 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == test_Integrate (in runitAllTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testbar (in runitBadTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testMyVirtualBaseClass.getX (in runitVirtualClass.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 3 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testCube (in runitAllTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: **FAILS**
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 1 Errors: 0//
#> === Failures
#> [2] : checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3))
#> == test_R (in runitsvSuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 1 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testrunTest (in runitsvTest.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: DEACTIVATED
#> //Pass: 1 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testsvTest (in runitsvTest.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 14 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testsvSuite (in runitsvSuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 7 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
# Metadata collected on the machine where tests are run
#> $.R.version
#> _
#> platform x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> arch x86_64
#> os linux-gnu
#> system x86_64, linux-gnu
#> status
#> major 4
#> minor 4.2
#> year 2024
#> month 10
#> day 31
#> svn rev 87279
#> language R
#> version.string R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
#> nickname Pile of Leaves
#> $.sessionInfo
#> R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libblas.so.3
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libopenblasp-r0.3.26.so; LAPACK version 3.12.0
#> locale:
#> time zone: Etc/UTC
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] svUnit_1.0.6 rmarkdown_2.29
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] digest_0.6.37 R6_2.5.1 fastmap_1.2.0 xfun_0.50
#> [5] maketools_1.3.1 cachem_1.1.0 knitr_1.49 htmltools_0.5.8.1
#> [9] buildtools_1.0.0 lifecycle_1.0.4 cli_3.6.3 sass_0.4.9
#> [13] jquerylib_0.1.4 compiler_4.4.2 sys_3.4.3 tools_4.4.2
#> [17] evaluate_1.0.3 bslib_0.8.0 yaml_2.3.10 jsonlite_1.8.9
#> [21] rlang_1.1.5
#> $.time
#> [1] "2025-01-25 04:49:20 UTC"
# List content of the log
#> [1] "testBadTests" "testCreateClass"
#> [3] "testCube" "testMyVirtualBaseClass.getX"
#> [5] "testMyVirtualBaseClass.setX" "testSquare"
#> [7] "test_Integrate" "test_R"
#> [9] "testbar" "testis.test"
#> [11] "testmat" "testrunTest"
#> [13] "testsvSuite" "testsvSuiteList"
#> [15] "testsvTest"
As you can see, ls()
lists all components recorded in
the test suite. Each component is a svTestData
inheriting from data.frame
, and it can be easily accessed
through the $
operator. There are, of course similar
methods defined for those svTestData
objects, like
, summary()
myTest <- Log()$testCube
#> [1] "svTestData" "data.frame"
#> == testCube (in runitAllTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: **FAILS**
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 1 Errors: 0//
#> * : checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> Mean relative difference: 0.03571429
#> num [1:2] 8 27
#> == testCube (in runitAllTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: **FAILS**
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 1 Errors: 0//
#> === Failures
#> [2] : checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3))
#> $kind
#> 2 1 0 0
#> $timing
#> timing
#> 0
As the logger inherits from environment
, you can manage
individual test data the same way as objects in any other environment.
For instance, if you want to delete a particular test data without
touching to the rest, you can use:
#> [1] "testBadTests" "testCreateClass"
#> [3] "testCube" "testMyVirtualBaseClass.getX"
#> [5] "testMyVirtualBaseClass.setX" "testSquare"
#> [7] "test_Integrate" "test_R"
#> [9] "testbar" "testis.test"
#> [11] "testmat" "testrunTest"
#> [13] "testsvSuite" "testsvSuiteList"
#> [15] "testsvTest"
rm(test_R, envir = Log())
#> [1] "testBadTests" "testCreateClass"
#> [3] "testCube" "testMyVirtualBaseClass.getX"
#> [5] "testMyVirtualBaseClass.setX" "testSquare"
#> [7] "test_Integrate" "testbar"
#> [9] "testis.test" "testmat"
#> [11] "testrunTest" "testsvSuite"
#> [13] "testsvSuiteList" "testsvTest"
As we will see in the following section, ‘svUnit’ proposes several means to organize individual assertions in modules: test functions, test units and test suites. This organization is inspired from ‘RUnit’, but with additional ways of using tests in interactive sessions (for instance, the ability to attach a test to the objects to be tested).
The first organization level for grouping assertions together is the
test function. A test function is a function without
arguments whose name must start with test
. It typically
contains a series of assertions applied to one object, method, or
function to be checked (this is not obligatory, assertions are not
restricted to one object, but good practices strongly suggest such a
restriction). Here is an example:
test_function <- function() {
checkTrue(1 < 2, "check1")
v <- c(1, 2, 3) # The reference
w <- 1:3 # The object to compare to the reference
checkEqualsNumeric(v, w)
# Turn this function into a test
test_function <- as.svTest(test_function)
#> [1] TRUE
A test function should be made a special object called
, so that ‘svUnit’ can recognize it. This
object, is allowed to live on its own (for instance,
in the user’s workspace, or anywhere you like). It can be defined in a R
script, be saved in a .RData
file, etc… Note that this is
very different from ‘RUnit’ where test must always be located in a unit
test file on disk). In ‘svUnit’ (not ‘RUnit’), you run such a test
simply by using runTest()
, which returns the results
invisibly and add it to the logger:
#> = A svUnit test suite run in less than 0.1 sec with:
#> * test_function ... OK
#> == test_function run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
Now, a test function is most likely designed to test an R object. The
‘svUnit’ package also provides facilities to attach the test function to
the object to be tested. Hence, the test cases and the tested object
conveniently form a single entity that one can manipulate, copy, save,
reload, etc. with all the usual tools in R. This association is simply
made using test(myobj) <-
# A very simple function
Square <- function(x) return(x^2)
# A test case to associate with the Square() function
test(Square) <- function() {
checkEqualsNumeric(9, Square(3))
checkEqualsNumeric(c(1, 4, 9), Square(1:3))
is.test(Square) # Does this object contain tests?
#> [1] TRUE
One can retrieve the test associated with the object by using:
#> svUnit test function:
#> {
#> checkEqualsNumeric(9, Square(3))
#> checkEqualsNumeric(c(1, 4, 9), Square(1:3))
#> checkException(Square("xx"))
#> }
And of course, running the test associated with an object is as easy as:
Log() # Remember we didn't clear the log!
#> = A svUnit test suite run in less than 0.1 sec with:
#> * test_function ... OK
#> * test(Square) ... OK
#> == test_function run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == test(Square) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 3 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
Now that you master test functions, you will discover how you can group them in logical units, and associate them to R packages.
An unit is a coherent piece of software that can be tested separately from the rest. Typically, a R package is a structured way to compile and distribute such code units in R. Hence, we need a mean to organize tests related to this “unit” conveniently.
Since a package can contain several functions, data frames, or other
objects, our unit should collect together individual test functions
related to each of these objects that compose our package. Also, the
test unit should accommodate the well-define organization of a package,
and should integrate in the already existing testing features of R, in
particular, R CMD check
. In both ‘RUnit’, and ‘svUnit’, one
can define such test units, and they are made code compatible between
the two implementations.
A test unit is a source-able text file that contains one or more test
functions, plus possibly .setUp()
functions (see the online help for further
information on these special functions). In ‘RUnit’, you must write such
test unit files from scratch. With ‘svUnit’, you can “promote” one or
several test functions (associated to other objects, or “living” alone
as separate svTest
objects) by using
. Here is how you promote the test associated
with our Square()
function to a simple test unit containing
only one test function:
# Create a test unit on disk and view its content
unit <- makeUnit(Square)
file.show(unit, delete.file = TRUE)
You got the following file whose name must start with
, with an .R
), and located by default in the temporary
directory of R. Specify another directory with the dir =
argument of makeUnit()
for a more permanent record of this
test unit file. Note also that .setUp()
functions are constructed automatically for
you. They specify the context of these tests. This context is used, for
instance, by the GUI in Komodo Edit/IDE to locate the test function and
the code being tested.
## Test unit 'Square'
.setUp <- function() {
# Specific actions for svUnit: prepare context
if ("package:svUnit" %in% search()) {
.Log <- Log() # Make sure .Log is created
.Log$..Unit <- "/tmp/RtmpBoZnId/runitSquare.R"
.Log$..File <- ""
.Log$..Obj <- ""
.Log$..Tag <- ""
.Log$..Msg <- ""
rm(..Test, envir = .Log)
.tearDown <- function() {
# Specific actions for svUnit: clean up context
if ("package:svUnit" %in% search()) {
.Log$..Unit <- ""
.Log$..File <- ""
.Log$..Obj <- ""
.Log$..Tag <- ""
.Log$..Msg <- ""
rm(..Test, envir = .Log)
testSquare <- function() {
checkEqualsNumeric(9, Square(3))
checkEqualsNumeric(c(1, 4, 9), Square(1:3))
Compatibility of these test unit files between ‘RUnit’ and ‘svUnit’
was a major concern in the design of ‘svUnit’. Consequently, code
specific to ‘svUnit’ (for managing the context of the tests) is embedded
in a if ("package:svUnit" %in% search())
construct. That
way, if ‘svUnit’ is not loaded in memory, this code is not executed.
Note that you should avoid loading in memory both ‘svUnit’ and
‘RUnit’ at the same time! If you do so, you will most likely crash your
You will see further that it is possible to write much more complex
test units with the same makeUnit()
function. But for the
moment, let’s discuss a little bit how such test units should be
organized in R package.
If you intend to associate test units to your R package, you should respect the following conventions:
subdirectory of the
package sources, or in one of its subdirectories. If you place them in a
subdirectory of /inst/unitTests
, then you define secondary
unit tests for (optional) detailed testing of specific item in your
package. Always keep in mind that all runit*.R
files in a
directory will be run one after the other. So, if you want to make
subgroups you would like to dissociate them, and locate them is separate
in the compiled/installed version of
your R package.If you respect these conventions, ‘svUnit’ knows where package unit tests are located and will be able to find and run them quite easily. See, for instance, the examples in the ‘svUnit’ package.
So, with test units associated to packages, you have a very
convenient way to run these tests, including from the Komodo GUI. With
just a little bit more coding you can also include these test units in
the R CMD check
process of your packages. You do this by
means of examples in a help page (we prefer to use
examples, instead of /tests
in the
R CMD check
process, because examples offer a more flexible
way to run tests and you can also run them in interactive sessions
through the example()
R function, which is not the case for
code located in the /tests
subdirectory of your package).
Here is what you do to associate some or all of your unit tests to the
R CMD check
process (illustrated with the case of the
‘svUnit’ package itself):
help file in the /man
subdirectory called unitTests.<mypackage>.Rd
file, making sure that you define an alias
as unitTests.<mypackage>
. Also place a little bit of
information telling how users can run your test in an interactive
section. You must first clear the log, then run
each test, and then, call the errorLog()
function. That
function looks if one or more tests failed or raised an error. In this
case, it stops execution of the example and causes a dump of the test
log in the R CMD check
process. That way, providing that
you have the ‘svUnit’ package installed in the machine where you run
R CMD check
, your test units will be included nicely in the
checking process of your packages, that is, they will run silently each
time you check your package if no error occurs, but will produce a
detailed report in case of problems..Rd
file should looks like (example of
the ‘svUnit’ package):\name{unitTests.svUnit}
\title{ Unit tests for the package 'svUnit' }
\description{ Performs unit tests defined in this
package by running \code{example(unitTests.svUnit)}.
Tests are in \code{runit*.R} files Located in the
’/unitTests’ subdirectory or one of its
subdirectories (’/inst/unitTests’ and subdirectories
in package sources).
\author{Philippe Grosjean}
if (require(svUnit)) {
runTest(svSuite("package:svUnit"), "svUnit")
# Tests to run with example() but not with R CMD check
runTest(svSuite("package:svUnit (VirtualClass)"), "VirtualClass")
# Tests to present in ?unitTests.svUnit but not run automatically
# Run all currently loaded packages test cases and test suites
runTest(svSuiteList(), "AllTests")
# Put here test units you want to run during R CMD check but
# don't want to show or run with example(unitTests.svUnit)
# Check errors at the end (needed to interrupt R CMD check)
Alternatively, if you use ‘roxygen2’ to build your documentation, you
can add a unitTests.<pkgname>.R
file in the
subdirectory containing ROxygen code to generate the
adequate documentation. Here is the unitTests.svUnit.R
#' Unit tests for the package 'svUnit'
#' Performs unit tests defined in this package by running
#' `example(unitTests.svUnit)`. Tests are in `runit*.R` files located in the
#' '/unitTests' subdirectory or one of its subdirectories ('/inst/unitTests' and
#' subdirectories in package sources).
#' @name unitTests.svUnit
#' @author Philippe Grosjean
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' if (require(svUnit)) {
#' clearLog()
#' runTest(svSuite("package:svUnit"), "svUnit")
#' \donttest{
#' # Tests to run with example() but not with R CMD check
#' runTest(svSuite("package:svUnit (VirtualClass)"), "VirtualClass")
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # Tests to present in ?unitTests.svUnit but not run automatically
#' # Run all currently loaded packages test cases and test suites
#' runTest(svSuiteList(), "AllTests")
#' }
#' \dontshow{
#' # Put here test units you want to run during R CMD check but
#' # don't want to show or run with example(unitTests.svUnit)
#' }
#' # Check errors at the end (needed to interrupt R CMD check)
#' errorLog()
#' }
Note, however, that if the package ‘svUnit’ is not available on the
computer where you run R CMD check
, your tests are silently
ignored (require()
issues a warning, but that does not
prevent the checking process to continue). This is an intended feature
in order to allow compilation of your package without requiring
‘svUnit’. Hence, dependence to ‘svUnit’ is less strict and also allows
you to check your tests using ‘RUnit’ (but you have to write a dedicated
function for that). Still to keep such a less strict dependence on
‘svUnit’, you should add svUnit
in the
field in the DESCRIPTION
file of
your package, not in Depends:
or Imports:
fields (except if you use ‘svUnit’ for other purposes that testing your
package using the mechanism discussed here, of course).
Also, this approach, associated with examples, provides a very convenient and easy way to test a package from the command line in an interactive session by running:
#> untT.U> if (require(svUnit)) {
#> untT.U+ clearLog()
#> untT.U+ runTest(svSuite("package:svUnit"), "svUnit")
#> untT.U+ ## No test:
#> untT.U+ ##D # Tests to run with example() but not with R CMD check
#> untT.U+ ##D runTest(svSuite("package:svUnit (VirtualClass)"), "VirtualClass")
#> untT.U+ ##D
#> untT.U+ ## End(No test)
#> untT.U+ ## Not run:
#> untT.U+ ##D # Tests to present in ?unitTests.svUnit but not run automatically
#> untT.U+ ##D # Run all currently loaded packages test cases and test suites
#> untT.U+ ##D runTest(svSuiteList(), "AllTests")
#> untT.U+ ##D
#> untT.U+ ## End(Not run)
#> untT.U+ ## Don't show:
#> untT.U+ # Put here test units you want to run during R CMD check but
#> untT.U+ # don't want to show or run with example(unitTests.svUnit)
#> untT.U+
#> untT.U+ ## End(Don't show)
#> untT.U+ # Check errors at the end (needed to interrupt R CMD check)
#> untT.U+ errorLog()
#> untT.U+ }
#> A svUnit test suite definition with:
#> - Test function:
#> [1] "test_svSuite"
#> *
#> runTest(bar) does not work inside test functions: ... DEACTIVATED
In the present case, the errorLog()
instruction in the
examples returns nothing, because all tests succeed. If there is an
error somewhere, you will see it printed at the end of this example.
The highest level of organization of your tests is the test
suite. A test suite is an unordered collection of test
functions and test units. You can select test units associated with R
package in a very convenient way: just specify
and all test units in the
subdirectory of the package myPkg will be
included (‘svUnit’ does all the required work to map these to actual
directories where the test unit files are located). Also, if you specify
, you will include the test units
defined in /unitTests/subgroup
in the package myPkg. Of
course, you will be able to also add test units defined in custom
directories, outside of R packages (for instance for integration of
harness tests that check cross-packages, or multi-packages
features of your application).
Test functions associated to your test suite receive a special
treatment. Unlike runTest()
applied to a single test
function, or to an object that has an associated test function, these
tests are not run from the version loaded in memory. Instead, they are
first collected together in a test unit file on disk (located in the R
temporary directory, by default), and run from there. Hence, building a
more complex test unit file by collecting together several test
functions is just a question of constructing a test suite, and then,
applying the makeUnit()
function to this
Before we apply all this, you should also know the existence of one
more function: svSuiteList()
. This function lists all test
units and test functions available in your system at a given time. So,
you don’t need to manually create lists of components. You are better to
list them automatically. Of course, this function has a lot of arguments
for listing only test units in packages, only test functions, specifying
where (in which environment) the test functions are located, adding
custom directories where to look for test units, etc. See the online
help of this function for the description of all these arguments. One
argument is particularly important: excludeList =
. This
argument defines one or several regular expressions that are used as
filters to hide items from the list. This is required, since you will
certainly not want to run again and again, let’s say, the example tests
associated with the ‘svUnit’ package (‘svUnit’ must be loaded in memory
to run the tests, so its tests examples will always be listed by
, … unless you define an adequate filter
expression that will exclude them from your list)! As the default
argument suggests it, the regular expression for list exclusion could
also be recorded in options(svUnit.excludeList = ...)
. Here
is how it works:
# Reset default exclusion list
options(svUnit.excludeList = c("package:sv", "package:RUnit"))
# List all currently available tests
#> A svUnit test suite definition with:
#> - Test functions:
#> [1] "test(Cube)" "test(Square)" "test_Integrate" "test_function"
Thus, every entry matching the regular expressions
and package:RUnit
are excluded from
the list. The entries package:svUnit
package:svUnit (VirtualClass)
match first pattern and are
thus excluded. Now, let’s clear the exclusion list to see what
# Clear exclusion list
options(svUnit.excludeList = NULL)
#> A svUnit test suite definition with:
#> - Test suites:
#> [1] "package:svUnit" "package:svUnit (BadTests)"
#> [3] "package:svUnit (VirtualClass)"
#> - Test functions:
#> [1] "test(Cube)" "test(Square)" "test_Integrate" "test_function"
The test units associated with the package ‘svUnit’ are now listed.
You have noticed that svSuiteList()
can also find
automatically svTest
objects, as well as tests attached to
objects in the user’s workspace. You can create a suite by collecting
all these items together very easily:
(mySuite <- svSuiteList())
#> A svUnit test suite definition with:
#> - Test suites:
#> [1] "package:svUnit" "package:svUnit (BadTests)"
#> [3] "package:svUnit (VirtualClass)"
#> - Test functions:
#> [1] "test(Cube)" "test(Square)" "test_Integrate" "test_function"
Now let’s make a test unit using tests collected in this suite:
This produces a file named runitExampleTests.R
(by default) in the R temporary directory, and which collects together
all tests in the user’s workspace (either as svTest
objects, or as tests attached to other objects), plus tests suites in
packages that are not in the exclusion list. Running
all tests in your suite is very simple. You still use
as usual, but this time, you apply it to your
#> * : checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> Mean relative difference: 0.03571429
#> num [1:2] 8 27
#> A svUnit test suite definition with:
#> - Test function:
#> [1] "test_svSuite"
#> *
#> runTest(bar) does not work inside test functions: ... DEACTIVATED
#> * Check a double is equal to a named double: checkEquals(c(x = 2), 2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> names for target but not for current
#> num 2
#> * Check if two different numbers are equal: checkEqualsNumeric(2, 3) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> Mean relative difference: 0.5
#> num 3
#> * Check a double is exactly the expected value: checkIdentical(2, sqrt(2)^2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> num 2
#> * Check if FALSE is TRUE: checkTrue(FALSE) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> logi FALSE
#> * log(10) produces and exception: checkException(log(10)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **FAILS**
#> No exception generated!
#> * Wrong expression in checkEquals(): checkEquals(fff(2), 2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in fff(2) : could not find function "fff"
#> * Wrong expression in checkEqualsNumeric(): checkEqualsNumeric(fff(2), 2) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in fff(2) : could not find function "fff"
#> * Wrong expression in checkIdentical(): checkIdentical(2, fff(2)) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in fff(2) : could not find function "fff"
#> * Wrong expression in checkTrue(): checkTrue(fff()) run in less than 0.001 sec ... **ERROR**
#> Error in fff() : could not find function "fff"
#> = A svUnit test suite run in less than 0.1 sec with:
#> * testBadTests ... **ERROR**
#> * testsvSuiteList ... OK
#> * testmat ... OK
#> * testMyVirtualBaseClass.setX ... OK
#> * testCreateClass ... OK
#> * testSquare ... OK
#> * testis.test ... OK
#> * test_Integrate ... OK
#> * testbar ... OK
#> * test_function ... OK
#> * testMyVirtualBaseClass.getX ... OK
#> * testCube ... **FAILS**
#> * test_R ... OK
#> * testrunTest ... DEACTIVATED
#> * testsvTest ... OK
#> * testsvSuite ... OK
#> == testBadTests (in runitBadTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: **ERROR**
#> //Pass: 0 Fail: 5 Errors: 4//
#> === Failures
#> [1] Check a double is equal to a named double: checkEquals(c(x = 2), 2)
#> [2] Check if two different numbers are equal: checkEqualsNumeric(2, 3)
#> [3] Check a double is exactly the expected value: checkIdentical(2, sqrt(2)^2)
#> [4] Check if FALSE is TRUE: checkTrue(FALSE)
#> [5] log(10) produces and exception: checkException(log(10))
#> === Errors
#> [6] Wrong expression in checkEquals(): checkEquals(fff(2), 2)
#> [7] Wrong expression in checkEqualsNumeric(): checkEqualsNumeric(fff(2), 2)
#> [8] Wrong expression in checkIdentical(): checkIdentical(2, fff(2))
#> [9] Wrong expression in checkTrue(): checkTrue(fff())
#> == testsvSuiteList (in runitsvSuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 6 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testmat (in runitBadTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testMyVirtualBaseClass.setX (in runitVirtualClass.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 6 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testCreateClass (in runitVirtualClass.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testSquare (in runitmySuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 3 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testis.test (in runitsvTest.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 15 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == test_Integrate (in runitmySuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testbar (in runitBadTests.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == test_function (in runitmySuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testMyVirtualBaseClass.getX (in runitVirtualClass.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 3 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testCube (in runitmySuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: **FAILS**
#> //Pass: 2 Fail: 1 Errors: 0//
#> === Failures
#> [2] : checkEqualsNumeric(c(8, 28), Cube(2:3))
#> == test_R (in runitsvSuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 1 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testrunTest (in runitsvTest.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: DEACTIVATED
#> //Pass: 1 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testsvTest (in runitsvTest.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 14 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
#> == testsvSuite (in runitsvSuite.R) run in less than 0.1 sec: OK
#> //Pass: 7 Fail: 0 Errors: 0//
There are many other tools to manipulate svSuite
in the ‘svUnit’ package, including functions to define the content of
the suite manually (see online help).
Except by integrating your tests in a packages as explained above in
this document, nothing is required to make your tests run in RStudio.
The Build -> Test Package
menu entry should run your
tests with ‘svUnit’ once this integration is done.
If you use the SciViews Komodo GUI, you can integrate ‘svUnit’ tests in this IDE and display reports in a convenient hierarchical tree presentation.
If R is started from within Komodo Edit or IDE (with the SciViews-K and SciViews-K Unit plugins installed), then, loading the ‘svUnit’ package in R automatically installs the R Unit side panel in Komodo at right. Its use should be straightforward:
button each time you want to refresh the
test tree,The Auto
mode, when activated, sources R files currently
edited in Komodo whenever you save them, and then, refreshes the test
report tree. This mode allows you to run automatically your tests in the
background while you edit your R code!
If you want to implement such a side panel in another GUI, make sure to look at the
functions in the ‘svUnit’ package. These functions allow to control the GUI in Komodo remotely from within R, and similar functions should not be too difficult to implement for other GUIs.
Grosjean, Ph., 2003. SciViews: an object-oriented abstraction layer to design GUIs on top of various calculation kernels [online: http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/Conferences/DSC-2003/]
IEEE Standards Boards, 1993. IEEE standard for software unit testing. ANSI/IEEE Std 1008-1987. 24 pp.
Ihaka R. & R. Gentleman, 1996. R: a language for data analysis and graphics. J. Comput. Graphic. Stat., 5:299-314.
Jeffries, R., 2006. Extreme programming, web site at: https://ronjeffries.com/xprog/what-is-extreme-programming/.
König, T., K. Jünemann & M. Burger, 2007. RUnit – A unit test framework for R. Vignette of the package RUnit available on CRAN. 11 pp.
R Core Team, 2019. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. [online: https://www.R-project.org]
There is also a very simple testing system in ‘testit’
(https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=testit) using only
one assertion: assert()
for all test. Other interesting R
packages on CRAN are ‘testthis’ (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=testthis), which adds
more tools and an RStudio addins around ‘testthat’, and
‘runittotestthat’ (https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=runittotestthat)
which, as its name implies, automatically converts ‘RUnit’ tests into
‘testthat’ equivalents.↩︎
Install the development version with `devtools::install_github(“SciViews/svUnit”).↩︎
In fact, you can attach ‘svUnit’ tests to any kind of R object, not only function. This could be useful to test S3/S4 objects, or even, datasets.↩︎
can also track
messages with this little trick: first convert
all warnings into errors with
owarn <- options(warn = 2)$warn
, run the code that
should generate a warning inside checkException()
, and then
restore default warning behavior with
options(warn = owarn)